The future of AI is human-centred. We advocate for building human input directly into AI systems.

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There’s a race for human feedback. When AI became a new paradigm for modern software, human feedback has emerged as an essential element of the AI tech stack. We are here to build public input into AI models used in critical domains like healthcare, and act as an independent, third-party custodian to create a global database of human feedback – for there to be an authoritative and democratic source of human feedback data for AI builders everywhere.

Ways We Work

Human Input

Advance the integration of public input into AI through working with the nonprofit sector, technology partners, and human-centric open-source AI projects.


Collect, generate, and curate human feedback datasets and inputs across the model training and development stack to accelerate the development of resilient and better aligned open-source AI systems.


Educate newcomers to the ML field, and larger business, policy, and public institutions on the advancements in cutting-edge AI safety research and open science, making AI more accessible to all.

Work Streams

input to AI

We work with civic groups, technology partners, academia, and the open-source AI community to support and advance the use of AI in the public interest.

Data Trust

We work with our partners to create an authoritative and democratic global database of human feedback, by generating and curating relevant datasets, and providing front-end tools to AI companies to gather users’ feedback about LLM output.

AI Education x Community

We actively educate newcomers to the ML field, making AI more accessible to all. We have built an engaged community through our LLM Reading Group and AI Tinkerers meetups, and work closely with the nonprofit sector to bring more nonprofits into the age of AI.


  • March 5, 2024: The Linear Representation Hypothesis and the Geometry of Large Language Models, Kiho Park, Google DeepMind, opening the Spring session of the LLM Reading Group.
  • March 19, 2024: Who Are the Publics Engaging in AI? with Renee Sieber, McGill University.
  • March 21, 2024: Spotlight AI – FITC, New Frontier For People And Pixels: Creativity and Prediction Machines. Elena Yunusov and Ryan Kelln, Human Feedback Foundation
  • April 2, 2024: Large Legal Fictions: Profiling Legal Hallucinations in Large Language Models with Matt Dahl, Yale; Varun Magesh, and Mirac Suzgun, Stanford.
  • April 10 – 11, 2024: Data Universe, Building Trustworthy AI that puts Humans First, with Elena Yunusov, Human Feedback Foundation, New York City.
  • April 16, 2024: Aya Dataset: An Open-Access Collection for Multilingual Instruction Tuning with Marzieh Fadaee and Ahmet Ustun, Cohere For AI.
  • April 30, 2024: How Well Can LLMs Negotiate? Negotiation Arena Platform and Analysis with Federico Bianchi, Stanford University.
  • May 14, 2024: Detecting LLM Generated Text in Computing Education: A Comparative Study for ChatGPT Cases with Michael Liut, University of Toronto.
  • May 30, 2024: AI Tinkerers Meetup at Shopify, led by Elena Yunusov and Eric Boyd, sponsored by our partners Shopify, Shopify Ventures, Two Small Fish Ventures, and Drive Capital.
  • June 11, 2o24: Is Model Collapse Inevitable? Breaking the Curse of Recursion by Accumulating Real and Synthetic Data with Matthias Gerstgrasser and Rylan Schaeffer, Stanford University.
  • June 27th: AI Tinkerers Meetup at Accenture, led by Elena Yunusov and Eric Boyd, sponsored and hosted by Accenture.
  • July 9th: AI Summer Social with Toronto Machine Learning, AI Tinkerers, and Women in AI & Robotics, supported by Drive Capital and Georgian.


  • Read: Introduction to Human Feedback Foundation, currently the best general overview of the Human Feedback Foundation and our work streams.
  • Join an active 1,500+ members community through an LLM Reading Group where we host scholars from Google DeepMind, McGill University, Yale University, Stanford University, University of Toronto, and Cohere For AI.
  • Join the local 1,000+ AI Tinkerers community and attend our meetups for AI builders and entrepreneurs, hosted and supported by Shopify, Shopify Ventures, Accenture, Drive Capital, and other key partners.
  • Catch up on OpenAI: Democratic Input to AI, Team submission and white paper — a deep dive into some of the team’s thinking about the future of democracy and governance.
  • Share Human Feedback Foundation: AI Community Resources working document and save hours of research.
  • Let us be your resource. Ask us to speak at your event! We’re grateful to MaRS, Data Universe, Business Council of Canada, FITC, and others who have hosted our speakers. Please reach out to hello [at]